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Why “Lighthouse” Yoga Studio?

Did you think it was because I am so into the nautical, beach life and scenery that I decided to name my Yoga Studio “Lighthouse”?

Well, you wouldn’t be all wrong if that was your assumption. I do love the Ocean and playing along its shores. As for the Aquatic Wild Life?? Forget about it!! It is sooooo beautiful, fascinating and diverse. I am enthralled and captivated by its beauty, danger, consistency and immenseness. The depths, the width, the way it is covering much more of this planet than not!! The mythology around it from all over the world is magical and mysterious. All of these are reasons enough to attach my Studio to such a wonderful theme, but they do not tell the whole story- or most of it. I am going to let you in on more of the why behind the name.

When I was in training to become a Kundalini Yoga Teacher, 2018-19- I found myself finally being able to pursue my life long goal and dream of becoming a certified teacher of Yoga. I had only within the past year and a half been introduced to Kundalini Yoga and my world had opened up from the inside out. I felt I had come alive after years of barely breathing and for reasons I could not explain, I had access to energy that made me feel GOOD like never before.

I fell in love with my fellow Kundalini Yoga Teachers in training and when we came from all over to meet one weekend a month it was always amazing. Long days with soooo much Kundalini Yoga, delicious food and brains packed full of esoteric and practical knowledge- plus some of us were having all kinds of breakthroughs which meant tears of pain and of joy. We got silly at times and made up names etc for fun.

A lot of learning about Kundalini Yoga was learning about the man who brought this way of practice to the Untied States in the late 60’s known as Yogi Bhajan. He lectured A LOT. He wrote a lot and spoke even more about all aspects of life and how to live as a Yogi and why things are the way that they are.

This Master Creator of Kundalini Yoga said something that spoke right into my heart and soul about why, even as we may be light bearers, healers and those who desire to do and be at peace in this world we find that we are instead surrounded by and seemingly attracting troubled people and situations as we shine brighter is because “Lighthouses are always placed in dangerous places, to shine light and lead boats away from the rocks.” This statement hit me in a pure way. I needed to hear that."

My life has not been easy, my childhood marked by real abuse, abandonment, trauma and chaos. My adult years marked by me trying to be “normal” fit in, useful and ok- only to find out that there is no such thing!! I pursued perfect and I beat myself up for all the ways that troubled souls seem to need my help, thinking I must not be doing something “right” because if I was, then I would have an outside that reflected what I sought on the inside which was “Peace” or “Safety” instead of rooting down to find the peace and safety of God inside of me.

It released me from the burden of trying so hard and from pushing away myself and my loved ones who needed light because of fear. I could shine and be bright and not be afraid. I could accept myself and others as we all are. Perfectly imperfect in every way and LOVED all the way.

During our Teacher Training me and the others decided that we were going to become a community of Kundalini Yoga Leaders that would be like a band and our name would be the “Lighthouse Yogis” and we began to make up a whole theme around it. We would brush our teeth with “Golden Paste” (a culinary blend of turmeric and water) so we would be known by our golden teeth, we would serve “Jalanderbundh”  ice cream. Jalandhara Bandh is the Yogic term for Neck Lock. You get the picture, we were slaphappy and having fun in these deep principles and studies. My favorite way to be.


Fast Forward to 2023, I had a small studio called Studio Shangri La that was picking up momentum and bringing in a tide of souls that a scene began to form in and around (not just to do with the studio but from other places as well). I immediately called the location of those Moon Meditation, potluck, community garden events the “Lighthouse” as it was a light little bright house with bright souls on a darker side of town. It ended up being my home for 8 months and I loved it dearly.

It dismantled, as have most of the relationships that formed at that time- and that is still a hard mystery for me as I am the type to not want things to end until I decide they need to and well, learning to Trust the Divine in the deaths, rebirths, separations etc. that I do not control. (Ego much?)

When I was granted the sudden gift of opportunity to open up a Yoga Studio in the Reider building, I knew without a doubt in my soul that it would be called Lighthouse Yoga Studio. The name has come to embody more

to me now than when I first chose it, as I continue to learn more about Yoga, Quantum Physics, Spiritual teachings, Scientific Reasoning and much more about this world of contrast between light and dark that we live in.

My hope is that Lighthouse Yoga Studio will be a place of lightness, discovery and support of how to live healthy, balanced and well lived lives for all who come inside.



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